Tuesday, October 30, 2007

“They’ll” by Cheryl Denise

take your soul
and put it in a suit,
fit you in boxes
under labels,
make you look like the Joneses.

They’ll tell you go a little blonder,
suggest sky-bluetinted contact lenses,
conceal that birthmarkunder your chin.
They’ll urge you to have babies
get fulfilled.
They’ll say marriage is easy,
flowers from Thornhills
are all you need
to keep it together.

They’ll push you to go ahead,
borrow a few more grand,
build a dream house.
Your boys need Nikes,
your girls cheerleading,
and all you need is your job
9 to 5 in the same place.

They’ll order you never to cryin Southern States,
and never, ever dance
in the rain.

They’ll repeat all the things
your preschool teacher said
in that squeaky too tight voice.

And when you slowly
let them go,
crack your suit,
ooze your soul
in the sun,
when you run through
the woods with your dog,
read poems to swaying cornfields,
pray in tall red oaks,
they’ll whisper
and pretend you’re crazy.

1 comment:

Mike Lazear said...

I like that poem, it says a lot about life, work and priorities.

I've also been trying to escape the nightmares of the desk job for a some time now - as I feel I could pursue what I'm really passionate about if I had more time to actually pusue it (and 40+ hours of my week wasn't going to waste.)

I write (blog) about a lot of this stuff too and am using that blog among a few other muses as a way out of the 9-to-5 life. Feel free to check it out at www.thegreatofficeescape.com

Keep at it!